How to Support Someone, or Yourself, in Coming Out
What is coming out?
When you don’t fit the heterosexual and gender binary norms, coming out becomes a process that you do over and over again.
How to NOT Traumatize
We’ve all been traumatized. Big events and chronic behaviors inflicted on us cause trauma… but I want to clarify a bit more about how trauma actually gets cemented in our systems and what we can do about it.
The Highest Level of Inner Work
When it comes to consuming information, I’ve found again and again and again is that our greatest tool is our own inner wisdom
My Favorite Fall Things
For me, when I’m struggling with my parenting chops, I scour the internet for resources, books and articles. Lucky for you, my team and I created Parenting Videos so you don’t actually have to do that search for yourself.
Can You Say It Aloud?
And this week? Do you feel it? Do you feel the “too much” feeling? Is it overflowing in your cup? Are you gasping for air as your head dips below the water too often? I understand if even me talking about this feels too vulnerable, uncomfortable, like a train wreck.
Are You Aware All Year?
What does that mean?
It means a lot of businesses that do not usually talk about mental health will talk about it today. Same goes for influencers, celebrities and maybe some of your friends.
How to be a Human Leader
Whether you’re in the schools, at home or in a workplace, you have the opportunity to be a leader.
Coping with the Great “Post-Pandemic” Transition
Even if your life looks no different as the season changes, the world and people around you are affected and impacting road rage, dinner moods, conference calls and child behavior.
Coping with Covid Aftermath
As more people get vaccinated and the world opens up, what is your life like during Covid’s aftermath? How are you re-entering the workspaces, schools, playgrounds, parties, family reunions, weddings, gyms, play dates? Are you bringing back the routines you had before, or restructuring your life’s rhythms to something else?
When Self-Awareness Mobilizes
Fear divides. We know that. Fear also brings out the ego in us - the parts of us that react and the thoughts and emotions that are unobserved and therefore unchecked. Reckless.
TGIF: Slow Down to Speed Up
Whether you are a parent or not, I imagine you may be feeling slight worry about Covid and heading back indoors. Personally, I bulked up on hand sanitizer and new masks for the family.
Changing the Game
Play is essential. Yet the pressure to perform ends up taking away from the playfulness somewhere as kids get older and expectations arise.
The Trouble with Family Vacations: On FOOA and The Roles We Play
I learned a new term last week called “Family Of Origin Amnesia”. It’s this idea that we totally forget our family of origin dynamics as time goes on and we’ve created space.
On being sad, making plans and imagination
Leading up to that traumatic event I had missed opportunities to clear out some of my usual stressful clutter. Then after the event still kept missing the opportunities. Or not creating the opportunities.
How to Understand Your Child: 4 Steps
OPENing up includes four steps and can bring more compassion and understanding to your and your child’s lives.
Cultivating Softies: On Men, Shrill and Botany
Too often people do not use the tool of therapy or ask for help because they think their problems are not big enough.
Save Yourself: Mothers, Trauma and Denial
But there’s something about mothering, or women in general we need to address as a culture.
And that is that mothering is not martyrdom.
Lean the **** Out
I am so tired of hustle culture. I am so tired of telling women to lean in. I am so tired of women making it seem like you can really have it all. Because you cannot.
Why We Should All Be Dancing
Dancing can feel daunting, scary, or maybe even embarrassing. But listen here, my dear reader, I’m encouraging you to dance anyways...even if you don’t have a rhythmic bone in your body.
Guilt Is Not An Emotion
Many of you will find that it’s natural tendencies/conditioned habits to want to make others happy, to avoid conflict and not have to feel the dreaded guilt.
What if I told you that guilt is not an emotion, but rather, guilt is a story.