
TGIF | The Art of Repair: How Healthy Communication Transforms Relationship Conflicts
This week's newsletter dives into the challenges of communication, a topic we've all grappled with. We've all been there – trying to navigate difficult conversations, avoid confrontation, or please others at the expense of being honest. In this article, Kerry reflects on her own struggles with self-advocacy, fear of rejection, and the emotional toll of holding back the truth. She shares what she’s learned along the way, inspired by expert advice from couples specialist Stan Tatkin, reminding her that communication isn't about being right, but about building connection. We explore key concepts like the power of repair, managing emotions in conflict, and how physical touch can help us reconnect after tension. With practical insights and a focus on empathy, we hope to offer tools that will help strengthen your communication, deepen trust, and bring more understanding into your relationships.

TGIF | Embracing Uncertainty: Navigating Life with Mindfulness and Hope
As the seasons transition into Spring, there's a palpable shift in the air—a sense of urgency and renewal. Perhaps it's the recent solar eclipse or simply the natural rhythm of life, but both my team and I have noticed an increase in clients reaching out for support, some after extended periods of absence.

TGIF | A Calming Practice
And here’s the thing - even in our moments of distress, we can pause and create space for wonder. Whether it is in response to an angry colleague, disgruntled family member, tantruming toddler, disconnected spouse, or grumpy stranger, we have the opportunity to give ourselves peace. Try it on: I notice, I wonder, I think…

TGIF: How to Slow Down Your Busy Life
In breaking down this question, what I’m hearing is the need for control and efforts to plan in order to manage a desirable outcome with all the responsibilities - career, health, kids, family - in your life. You’re busy and your life is full.

What If You Stopped Complaining?
It is bigger things like mom guilt, loneliness, and missing friends from home. It’s then even more things like venting or complaining about other people, passing judgment while doing so. With awareness, we realized, we can complain a lot.

A Truth Inside of Us
So much of our lives are lived trying to be human. To fit in, to excel, to get safe, to feel content, to aspire, to inspire, to laugh and be happy, and have a meaningful life.

A Word for Your New Year’s
Tonight, I write this not quite remembering what it feels like to feel like myself - it’s been a while since I slept through the night, had the energy to exercise, or had a mind not foggy with sickness, parental overload, and exhaustion.
And yet, in spite of all the mess of this month, I’m really, really, terribly happy.

A Simple, Not Easy, Answer to Our Mental Health Crisis
Remember how it felt to not be able to hug a friend or loved one during the pandemic? Remember that gap of connection that we could visibility see instead of just feeling the emptiness in our hearts? Remember how we ached to be able to sit in a friend’s living room and just talk?

(The Real) Modern Mindful Parenting
So here’s the thing: modern mindful parenting is not about being perfect, never yelling, or being with your kids 24/7. Modern mindful parenting is also not about having the perfect kid.

The Gifts of Mindfulness and Co-Regulation in Relationships
It’s February. And whether you think Valentine’s Day is a holiday worth celebrating or not, maybe there is an opportunity here in this month to take the time to reflect on how we are showing up in our relationships with our partners.

Creating Space to Feel Fully
After too many days of too much life happening without my normal self-preservation tools being utilized, my feel-good reservoir was empty. I didn’t have any resources left and I was raw, moody, anxious, and low. Really low.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Whether this feeling is or isn’t familiar to you, you may be wondering what exactly imposter syndrome is. Imposter syndrome is characterized by feelings of self-doubt, often related to your accomplishments at work.

Bracing for Change
I find myself anticipating the impending change with more intensity.
It’s brought up some thoughts about how we all brace for change.

Coping with Covid Aftermath
As more people get vaccinated and the world opens up, what is your life like during Covid’s aftermath? How are you re-entering the workspaces, schools, playgrounds, parties, family reunions, weddings, gyms, play dates? Are you bringing back the routines you had before, or restructuring your life’s rhythms to something else?

TGIF: Slow Down to Speed Up
Whether you are a parent or not, I imagine you may be feeling slight worry about Covid and heading back indoors. Personally, I bulked up on hand sanitizer and new masks for the family.

How to Understand Your Child: 4 Steps
OPENing up includes four steps and can bring more compassion and understanding to your and your child’s lives.

Radical Acceptance
No life is free of problems. Though we may think there are people who never seem to face a tough situation, they do.

Should I still do New Year Resolutions during a pandemic?
Your entire wellbeing being hung on the notion that if you could only lose weight, be more fit and look more like the current ideal, you would finally have the experience of immense ease, joy, spaciousness, and happiness.

When Mindfulness Is Used to Harm
Our current societal mold tells us: You are never enough and always too much

Calming Down
How many times have you heard someone say “calm down”? Even better, how many times have you uttered those exact words to yourself or someone that you love? Oh, if it were only that simple! Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way.