
Lessons Learned From Impact
Trauma Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Trauma Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

Lessons Learned From Impact

When you have something shocking, like getting hit by a car, from behind, while walking back to the office after getting a cappuccino on a sunny day, you HAVE to pause. So, in this week’s newsletter I’m sharing a bit of what has been mulling around in my mind since the accident.

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TGIF | One in Four Women Experience Depression in Her Lifetime
Depression Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Depression Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

TGIF | One in Four Women Experience Depression in Her Lifetime

I want to normalize something. I want to normalize depression.

So often we feel like we’re supposed to be happy all the time. We feel ashamed when we are not smiling, joyful and energetic. It’s this shame that usually leads us to instead of asking for help, push down feelings, muscle through and silently suffer.

I have worked with hundreds of teens, women and men who are experiencing depression but have trouble naming it because depression feels so stigmatizing. And once I help them finally name it, they feel so much more relief.

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Why Are We Not Taught How to Love?
Kerry Biskelonis Kerry Biskelonis

Why Are We Not Taught How to Love?

We are often shown that passion in a relationship has to be an incredibly intense thing. But to me, passion feels like a well-nurtured bonfire -- it’s providing a steady stream of heat that is not overwhelming, feels manageable and doesn’t consume you and your life.

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