Wellness Rituals vs Therapy
When I think about wellness vs. therapy, I often start with this example in mind: When I wake up from a nightmare that had me sweating, shaking and feeling like, “That was all too real” feeling, doing a body scan meditation would not help me at the core of this situation.
When Fear Distorts Vision
Fear distorts vision.
Fear also tends to make us make the wrong choices. Fear is self-preservation. Fear is shame, punishment and blame. Fear is ego and inner critic.
Fear is the absence of love.
Slow Down to Speed Up
Questions such as these remind me that even if something feels urgent to me, it doesn’t mean it necessarily is urgent. When we feel internal pressure of “now or never” when a situation isn’t actually of that type, we can begin to start feeling burnout and fatigued.
Decision Fatigue and Burn Out
All of this decision making and weighing of consequences absolutely creates decision fatigue and burnout. We start questioning our judgement, trust in ourselves and even others.
Why Difficult People are Important
Noticing how we feel and react when dealing with difficult people, finding appreciation during difficult moments together, and understanding and learning from others even when it can be difficult is important.
Emotional Effects of Stress: And What to do About it
It’s no doubt that this is an especially stressful time for many. And life without a pandemic can be just as stressful as what we are experiencing now.
The Power of 20 Minutes
A couple years ago when I was experiencing postpartum depression and riddled with mom guilt about how much I should be playing with my newborn, I came across a life-changing article. It was a study about what children need from their parents to form happy, healthy attachment.
Brain and Body Integration
That body intelligence not only has a seat at the table, it has an equal seat at the table with my brain intelligence and my emotional intelligence.
Black Lives Matter: Ways to Support While Also Taking Care of Yourself
A few weeks ago, a close friend of mine and I had a deep discussion about Black Lives Matter. You see, my friend is a social worker whose life’s work is to end violence and I needed her help.
Postpartum Depression Symptoms: It’s a Complication of Pregnancy, Not a Reflection of You
Even though I am not a mother myself, I am a woman who has had to consider whether or not I desire biological children. And part of this decision is understanding the entirety of what it means to go through that process.
What is a Holistic Therapist?
First, what type of conditions can a holistic therapist treat?
There are a variety of conditions that a holistic therapist can treat. Everything from depression and anxiety to chronic stress and stress management to self esteem and boundary setting.
Health is Holistic: So Let's Treat it That Way
You might be wondering - what is holistic health? Well, to help explain, let me share with you a little story that will illuminate what is not holistic health.
Rising Up From Depression
Depression. People do NOT like talking about it. Anxiety and stress are way more comfortable to own up to. Why? Well, there is more of a stigma around having depression and less of a collective understanding of what it is.
Amazing Mental Health Benefits of Meditation
So often we hear how important it is to “be present” or “be in the now” and we might agree ...but what does that even mean?
How We Change: Individual Actions for Social Change
In thinking about this question, I think about the ways the pandemic has been for us. It’s forced us to slow down and be more present and has taken away some of our usual distractions (other than the constant presence of kids in our homes!).
Mindfulness Activities for Kids
With how mainstream the topic of mindfulness has become, chances are your kids have already had some experience with it at school.
Continuing to Quarantine With Kids
With so many weeks in quarantine already, you might have gotten the swing of the new normal with your kids at home and have re-established a new routine for yourself and the kiddos.
How Can We Make Sense of What is The Truth?
As our state prepares to reopen certain industries, I have found myself wondering where the truth is in the data and fears around the pandemic. How do we distinguish the truth from politics? Understand what is actually true versus being told to us? What is messaging and what is real?
How to use Positive Mantras
As the pandemic continues, it can be harder to adhere to rules as feelings of restlessness can become stronger. I’ve noticed that in order to deal, I’ve been time traveling more often - either visiting the past (aka ruminating) or thinking about the future ( a not so positive way).
Staycation Ideas: Vacationing at Home During Quarantine
Most of us have had our plans for vacation cancelled or postponed indefinitely to help keep ourselves and our community safe. That is completely understandable (and the right thing to do) and it puts us in a situation of trying to manage the new normal without much “reset” time.