
TGIF | Rethinking Beauty: Cultivating Self-Worth and Body Positivity
You Are More Beautiful Than You Think
In honor of Maternal Mental Health Month and Mother's Day, I'm writing to all the women who think less of themselves.

TGIF | Rise Up: A Call to Women to Embrace Wholeness
Every day, I witness the pervasive disconnection that women experience from their bodies. From a young age, we are conditioned to reject our natural forms, relentlessly pursuing an ideal shape and appearance.

How to Gain Body Freedom
How many of you are seeing more ads on social media for intermittent fasting, intuitive dieting (not a thing, btw), and fitness regimens for that beach body? This time of year seems to spur Diet Culture into overdrive and we are all the victims.

Free Yourself from Diet Culture, Live Your Life
Much of therapy and the healing process includes addressing and challenging limiting beliefs and narratives that we have created about ourselves over the course of our lifetime

The Most Radical Thing: Learn to love yourself
Practicing self-love in a world that makes it really, really hard to love yourself exactly as you are is a tough journey. I feel it.

Diet Culture’s Hold On Us
Rather, I’m switching gears to a more timely topic as we hit the stride in the new year. New Year’s resolutions/intentions/manifestations a LOT of time hover around being “healthy”. For a lot of people healthy = weight loss.