Calming Down
How many times have you heard someone say “calm down”? Even better, how many times have you uttered those exact words to yourself or someone that you love? Oh, if it were only that simple! Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way.
Dealing with Disappointment
We all experience disappointment, no matter who you are, or how foolproof you think your plan is. It’s a fact of life, and no one is immune.
The Brain-Gut Connection: A Connection to Consider When Experiencing any Mood Disorder
Symptoms of anxiety and depression and symptoms of poor gut-health often co-exist.
Mental Health: Ending the Stigma
The stigma attached to mental illness and mental health issues can be just as, if not more damaging than its reality.
Healing After a Miscarriage
If you are reading this post, you’ve likely experienced a miscarriage. I want to express my heartfelt compassion for the loss of your baby.
How to Stay Positive, Motivated, and at Peace While Facing Negativity
Right now, there is a lot of negativity. We know that. There are conflicts and headlines that can ignite even the most zen person’s anger. Even as someone who tries to be positive, I too have felt depressed.
Chronic Pain Self Management Strategies
While there are many different types of chronic pain, there are also many different strategies for coping with chronic pain.
TGIF | One in Four Women Experience Depression in Her Lifetime
I want to normalize something. I want to normalize depression.
So often we feel like we’re supposed to be happy all the time. We feel ashamed when we are not smiling, joyful and energetic. It’s this shame that usually leads us to instead of asking for help, push down feelings, muscle through and silently suffer.
I have worked with hundreds of teens, women and men who are experiencing depression but have trouble naming it because depression feels so stigmatizing. And once I help them finally name it, they feel so much more relief.
COVID-19: The Life Transition We Didn’t Bargain For
Transition periods can be stressful…
Beginning a new career
Transitioning from adolescence to young adulthood
Getting married or committing to a life partner
Adding a child to the family…
What To Do When Fear Divides
Fear is a natural, instinctual human response. The fear response is important when we are facing real, imminent danger. Immediate threats to our survival necessitate a response like fight, flee or freeze.
How Depression Manifests in the Body
Depression is both a mental and a physical disorder.
When talking about depression, it is important to recognize that the mind and the body cannot be separated.
Through the Lens of a Suicide Loss Survivor
Grief is funny in that way. Sometimes it comes in small waves, but other moments roll in like a tsunami.
Why Are We Not Taught How to Love?
We are often shown that passion in a relationship has to be an incredibly intense thing. But to me, passion feels like a well-nurtured bonfire -- it’s providing a steady stream of heat that is not overwhelming, feels manageable and doesn’t consume you and your life.
Wellness Rituals vs Therapy
When I think about wellness vs. therapy, I often start with this example in mind: When I wake up from a nightmare that had me sweating, shaking and feeling like, “That was all too real” feeling, doing a body scan meditation would not help me at the core of this situation.
When Fear Distorts Vision
Fear distorts vision.
Fear also tends to make us make the wrong choices. Fear is self-preservation. Fear is shame, punishment and blame. Fear is ego and inner critic.
Fear is the absence of love.
Slow Down to Speed Up
Questions such as these remind me that even if something feels urgent to me, it doesn’t mean it necessarily is urgent. When we feel internal pressure of “now or never” when a situation isn’t actually of that type, we can begin to start feeling burnout and fatigued.
Decision Fatigue and Burn Out
All of this decision making and weighing of consequences absolutely creates decision fatigue and burnout. We start questioning our judgement, trust in ourselves and even others.
Why Difficult People are Important
Noticing how we feel and react when dealing with difficult people, finding appreciation during difficult moments together, and understanding and learning from others even when it can be difficult is important.
Emotional Effects of Stress: And What to do About it
It’s no doubt that this is an especially stressful time for many. And life without a pandemic can be just as stressful as what we are experiencing now.
The Power of 20 Minutes
A couple years ago when I was experiencing postpartum depression and riddled with mom guilt about how much I should be playing with my newborn, I came across a life-changing article. It was a study about what children need from their parents to form happy, healthy attachment.