
TGIF | Embracing Uncertainty: Navigating Life with Mindfulness and Hope
As the seasons transition into Spring, there's a palpable shift in the air—a sense of urgency and renewal. Perhaps it's the recent solar eclipse or simply the natural rhythm of life, but both my team and I have noticed an increase in clients reaching out for support, some after extended periods of absence.

TGIF | Navigating the Pleasure-Pain Paradigm: Protecting Our Children in the Digital Age
There is no doubt that phones, these mini computers available in an instant to gratify our needs, increase satisfaction. We know that each time we can instantly purchase something with a speedy delivery (Amazon, Jimmy Johns), we get a dopamine kick.

TGIF | How to Reset: Embracing the Journey of Parts Work
As we reflect on our behaviors, both past and present, we often unearth roots that trace back to our childhood experiences. Rather than approaching these discoveries with judgment, we strive to embrace them with compassion, recognizing them as coping mechanisms developed in response to our early environments. In our pursuit of understanding these origins, we often encounter younger versions of ourselves trapped in pain and shame.

TGIF | Unlocking Mental Wellness: The Transformative Power of Creative Expression
Creative expression packs a punch when it comes to mental health benefits. When you dive into painting, writing, or jamming on your guitar, you're tapping into some serious brain chemistry.

TGIF | Embrace Yourself: The Path to Self-Acceptance and Belonging
And at the heart of self-acceptance lies the ability to comfort ourselves—to offer kindness and reassurance in moments of doubt and uncertainty.

TGIF | Rise Up: A Call to Women to Embrace Wholeness
Every day, I witness the pervasive disconnection that women experience from their bodies. From a young age, we are conditioned to reject our natural forms, relentlessly pursuing an ideal shape and appearance.

TGIF | How I Responded to My 6-Year-Old Asking for a Phone
In the lead-up to my discussion with Plymouth Canton School District next week, I found myself grappling with a stark reality when my 1st grader expressed a desire for a phone on his upcoming birthday. As a parent advocating the "Wait Until 8th" mantra and emphasizing the pitfalls of social media, this revelation was jarring.

TGIF | When Others Won’t Grow: Owning Your Journey Amidst Resistance
Digging deeper into the core of this issue, we find that fear is the underlying force that fuels the resistance to taking responsibility for one's actions. The prospect of admitting imperfection can be an intimidating and vulnerable experience.

TGIF | Embracing the Journey of Self-Improvement: A Personal Reflection on Healing and Humanity
What resonated with me during that pivotal scene was the affirmation that life is messy. We can be grappling with our own struggles, inadvertently hurting those around us, and still acknowledge that we need to do better. It's a delicate dance of feeling immense emotions while understanding the need for personal growth.

TGIF | Unlocking the Power of Your Morning Routine: A Science-Backed Guide to Morning Exercise, Mindfulness, and Self-Care for Personal Growth
As winter weather wanes, it’s easy to start to neglect those promises we made to ourselves at the start of the year. However, to keep you motivated to keep caring for yourself, I've got something incredibly vital to share with you today – a game-changer that science backs up, and it involves the magic of your morning routine.

TGIF | Navigating the Complex Landscape of Alcohol: Unraveling the Ties That Bind
Let's dive into a topic that often stirs strong emotions and personal convictions, triggering a sense of defensiveness for many. It's a subject deeply intertwined with our social fabric, shaping the way we gather, connect, celebrate, and socialize – the complex world of alcohol.

TGIF | From Pain to Purpose: My Somatic Therapy Journey After a Life-Altering Accident
Despite diligent efforts with physical therapy and rest, the pain persisted. In a moment of desperation, I turned inward, rediscovering the potency of somatic therapy.

TGIF | A Calming Practice
And here’s the thing - even in our moments of distress, we can pause and create space for wonder. Whether it is in response to an angry colleague, disgruntled family member, tantruming toddler, disconnected spouse, or grumpy stranger, we have the opportunity to give ourselves peace. Try it on: I notice, I wonder, I think…

TGIF | A Word for 2024
But with that, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I wish for 2024. You see, it feels as though the last few years have intensely reminded or taught us that we are not in control. The external events continue to occur and we all have to make our way through them. Surprises happen, challenging and uplifting, and yet they remain surprises.

TGIF | Navigating Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma: A Guide to Emotional Resilience
While empathy and compassion serve as a beacon of hope and unity, such feelings can also be a source of internal struggle. By the end of today’s newsletter, I want you (and my dear friend) to have more support in handling the big feelings related to witnessing other’s suffering.

TGIF | Empathy in Global Conflict: Fostering Shared Humanity and Kindness
The question I got was fraught with anxiety and pain this week - “Kerry! How do I handle this toxic world in which it feels like everyone is literally at war with one another? I feel helpless, hopeless, and overwhelmed.”

TGIF: How to Change the World with One Word
And ultimately, our deepest relationships start at home. Where can we all be in more choice to put down the screens and turn towards each other?

TGIF: How to Slow Down Your Busy Life
In breaking down this question, what I’m hearing is the need for control and efforts to plan in order to manage a desirable outcome with all the responsibilities - career, health, kids, family - in your life. You’re busy and your life is full.

TGIF: How to Get Someone to Go to Therapy
SO MANY couples struggle with the growth mindset gap. One partner is actively working on themselves, in therapy, reading all the books, meditating, and eating green juice while the other partner is still binging booze, addicted to social media, going out with friends until midnight, and denying the need for any help. It can be infuriating.

TGIF: How to Thrive with Adult ADHD
I feel I’m addicted to procrastination and the adrenalin that stress gives me by working in fits and bursts, but I know it’s not healthy. I wonder if this might be ADHD and can I really help it?