TGIF | Unlocking the Power of Your Morning Routine: A Science-Backed Guide to Morning Exercise, Mindfulness, and Self-Care for Personal Growth

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As winter weather wanes, it’s easy to start to neglect those promises we made to ourselves at the start of the year. However, to keep you motivated to keep caring for yourself, I've got something incredibly vital to share with you today – a game-changer that science backs up, and it involves the magic of your morning routine. Since November, I've fine-tuned mine, and let me tell you, the benefits have been astounding.

Previously, I was all about that 5 am hustle to snag some "me time" before the kiddos woke up. Fast forward to now, my toddler's (or “big kid” as he attests) sleep is on point, allowing me the luxury of waking up an hour later and still indulging in my full hour of tranquility – my Sacred Hour.

Why does this matter? Well, aside from the obvious tranquility and personal recharge, science is a massive advocate for intentional morning routines. In his book "Tools of the Titans," Tim Ferris delves into the profound influence that morning rituals have on our overall well-being, asserting that the first 60-90 minutes of your day sets the tone for the entire day.

Let's break it down scientifically:

  1. Morning Exercise: Research consistently shows that incorporating exercise into your morning routine has profound effects. A study published in the journal "Psychology of Sport and Exercise" found that morning exercisers experienced better mood enhancement compared to those who exercised later in the day.

  2. Mindfulness: Morning mindfulness has been linked to improved focus and mental clarity. The "Journal of Clinical Psychology" published a study highlighting the positive impact of morning mindfulness on reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

  3. Self-Care Practices: Incorporating self-care into your morning routine has far-reaching benefits. Morning self-care rituals contribute to increased resilience and better emotional well-being, as self-care is prioritized before the challenges of the day arise.

With my new 6 am wake-up time, I've found a rhythm that optimizes both my physical and mental well-being. After changing into workout gear, chugging 32 oz of water, and brewing my coffee, it's downstairs I go. I’ve curated a list of five workouts on my mirror, which I tick off each week. It's not just a routine; it's a motivation hack that minimizes decision fatigue. Since November, I've been leaning into strength training, reveling in the confidence that comes from getting stronger. Quick, efficient, and rewarding – that's my 20-30 minutes of exercise.

Post-exercise, I bask in the glory of the sauna. During this time, I engage in activities that stimulate my mind – NYT crossword, Wordle, news check, a dash of mindfulness meditation, intention setting, and affirmations. If I'm not too sweaty, I throw in some journaling.

It's not just a morning routine; it's my Sacred Hour – an hour devoted solely to myself. And it's not just a whim; it's a commitment that begins the night before, enforcing an early bedtime and solid sleep hygiene. This sacred hour sets the stage for a week of healthy habits. And yes, sometimes my sacred hour is an extra hour of sleep. I allow it to be intuitive.

Without it, I know I'm not my best self. I've done this routine for years, and I can attest to the difference it makes. So, I encourage you to explore your morning routine – it's a small investment with monumental returns.

And listen, if you’re not a morning person, can you find your sacred hour sometime during the day? Committing to your sacred hour is about prioritizing yourself and creating the confidence that comes from showing up for yourself. You show yourself that you matter, and that is everything.

This week, I’d love to hear from you! Tag @resetbrainandbody in your sacred hours or morning routines. Share what works for you. Together, we’re better and it’s always good to know we’re never alone.

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And this week’s TGIFs…

TOOL - My splurge tool a few years ago was this sunrise alarm clock, but you can find more affordable options now. No need for the phone in the bedroom, which means better sleep hygiene to support that morning routine.

GRATITUDE - Sleep is imperative to support any consistent routine. I’m grateful to our friends at Thriving Minds for helping us find firm boundaries to establish better sleep habits with our little one.

INNOVATION - One way I got myself motivated to stick to my routine was the transformative practice of daily journaling along with my cycle. This book was so informative to help me create more in-tune choices around exercise each day, as my cycle took its monthly course. I’ll share more about this another time!

FEELS - My morning routine changes based on a lot of factors, but showing up for myself is always consistent. If this all feels overwhelming, I want to offer you some grace. Start small, start with just a few times a week. Every little bit counts, but it does matter that you do it, even if just a little. I believe in you.


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