
Why Reset Does What Reset Does: TGIF - A June Update from Kerry
Kerry Biskelonis Kerry Biskelonis

Why Reset Does What Reset Does: TGIF - A June Update from Kerry

Just understanding, at the basic level, how the tenants of rest, breath, connection, movement, and nourishment are vital to our mental health. These 5 pillars are what make Reset, Reset Brain and Body and are everything to how we approach mental health care.

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A Word for Your New Year’s

A Word for Your New Year’s

Tonight, I write this not quite remembering what it feels like to feel like myself - it’s been a while since I slept through the night, had the energy to exercise, or had a mind not foggy with sickness, parental overload, and exhaustion.

And yet, in spite of all the mess of this month, I’m really, really, terribly happy.

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How Trauma Reveals Our Truth
Trauma Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Trauma Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

How Trauma Reveals Our Truth

Big T Trauma is stuff that is simply egregious and tragic: abuse, neglect, death of a caregiver, family conflict, even natural disasters, severe medical events, and intergenerational trauma caused from oppression, genocide, or war. Little t traumas are actually quite universal in nature. These are the subtle, chronic events from bullying from peers, hostile work environments, microagressions, conditional love and criticism.

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Coping with Transitions
Anxiety Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Anxiety Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

Coping with Transitions

I think a lot of people already know this statistic, but let’s talk about it anyhow. What, traditionally, are the top five most stressful times in someone’s life?

Death of a loved one.



Major illness or injury.

Job loss.

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A Therapist’s Experience with Psychedelics
Kerry Biskelonis Kerry Biskelonis

A Therapist’s Experience with Psychedelics

To start, you may be unaware of the growing interest, research, and innovation in psychedelic treatment for mental health. John Hopkins has been the leading medical and academic institution to study the impacts of psychedelics on treating PTSD, depression, and end-of-life anxiety, among other uses.

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