
Why Are We Here?
Kerry Biskelonis Kerry Biskelonis

Why Are We Here?

In light of Reset’s recent 4 year anniversary, I’ve been reflecting on the question, “Why are we here?” I mean this both on a personal/small business level and also on a much greater, global humanity question.

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Why We Are Miserable
Depression Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Depression Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

Why We Are Miserable

Our addictions seem endless: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, processed food, video games, social media, iPhones, working… and it’s seriously hurting us. It’s most significantly impacting our youngest generation raised on technology, chemicals, and instant gratification.

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What Are We Doing Wrong?
Anxiety Therapy Kerry Biskelonis Anxiety Therapy Kerry Biskelonis

What Are We Doing Wrong?

Preventative mental health care is essential. As a practice, we have known that for years, and thus why we have developed tools and systems to get ahead of the problem in children so that mild anxiety, depression, and risk factors do not develop into more extreme and intense disorders later in life.

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