
Wellness Rituals vs Therapy
Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis

Wellness Rituals vs Therapy

When I think about wellness vs. therapy, I often start with this example in mind: When I wake up from a nightmare that had me sweating, shaking and feeling like, “That was all too real” feeling, doing a body scan meditation would not help me at the core of this situation.

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How to Build Emotional Intelligence
Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis

How to Build Emotional Intelligence

In today’s society it can be a challenge to slow down. With this challenge comes disconnection from our feelings. Sometimes days, weeks, even months go by without us asking ourselves, “what am I feeling?”, “why am I reacting this way?” or “what’s going on here?”.

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Our Favorite Non Self-Help Books for Wellness
Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis Foundational wellness Kerry Biskelonis

Our Favorite Non Self-Help Books for Wellness

Summer is in full swing and summer reading lists are popping up everywhere! Including on this blog😉. But I didn’t want to create another oversaturated list of self-help books because (1) those lists are widely available and (2) I believe that the phrase “too much of a good thing” applies when it comes to reading too many self-help books.

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