TGIF | Embracing the Unknown: Why Change is a Good Thing

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Dear Community,

I’m going to say it right here at the top: change is a good thing. If you happen to get Luke Bryan’s “Rain is the Good Thing” stuck in your head, I’m #sorrynotsorry.

Anyway, today’s topic is that I recently spent time with a dear friend who stands at the precipice of a monumental shift in her life and her family’s future. However, what she feels most acutely is fear—fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear that things might not work out as she hopes. This is a common reaction when faced with significant change.

This reminds me of a profound podcast episode I listened to recently featuring three former presidents. President Obama discussed how change and fear are intertwined, especially in a rapidly evolving society. The last decade has been marked by drastic shifts, particularly due to the influence of social media and technology on our lives. These changes affect how we consume information, share our experiences, and decide what to believe and who to trust.

For those who have been following along, you know I am a staunch advocate for minimizing the impact of social media on our lives, particularly on our children. The advent of technology and social platforms has arguably been the most significant change we've experienced as a society in the past decade. It has transformed our way of life, often leading to a sense of disorientation and fear. President Obama pointed out that this rapid change can make the world seem like it’s spinning out of control, causing people to cling to the idea of returning to "traditional values."

But here's the thing: going back is not the answer.

The Myth of "Traditional Values"

When I hear people, including that speaker of the recent Benedictine College graduation speech, advocate for a return to "traditional values," I can’t help but think about the implications. Imagine telling my friend, who is facing a tremendous opportunity, to retreat to where she was 15 or 20 years ago because the future is uncertain. It’s safer there, one might argue. There’s little risk because it's familiar. But would you genuinely encourage someone to do that in their career or personal growth?

Progress and embracing the unknown are essential. They open doors to endless possibilities, teaching us to navigate uncertainty with grace. Embracing change is a fundamental human need for evolution. After all, as the saying goes, you either evolve or die.

Fear vs. Growth Mindset

The key to thriving amidst change lies in our mindset. A fixed mindset is rooted in fear, while a growth mindset embraces challenges as opportunities for development. It’s disheartening to see how many of us are driven by fear, holding onto what’s familiar and safe rather than stepping into the unknown.

Albert Einstein once said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." This belief requires trust and optimism—traits that seem to be in short supply these days. Why is optimism frowned upon? Why is hope seen as naive? Why are progress and growth villainized?

The Impact of Social Media on Our Perception of Change

Social media has a profound impact on how we perceive change. We're constantly bombarded with information, and getting caught up in the noise is easy. We see people's highlight reels and compare our behind-the-scenes to their front stage. We fear that we're not good enough, that we're not doing enough. But the truth is, everyone is on their own journey. Everyone is facing their own challenges.

Social media also gives us a false sense of control. We think that by liking and sharing, we can control the narrative. But the truth is, we can't. Change is happening, and we can either embrace it or resist it.

So what do we do?

Mindfulness is key in times of change. It helps us stay present and focused on what we can control. It helps us let go of fear and anxiety and trust in the unknown. Mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing can help calm our minds and bodies and give us the clarity we need to make decisions.

Additionally, a supportive community is crucial in times of change. Surrounding ourselves with people who support and uplift us can make all the difference. We need people who will encourage us to take risks, who will remind us that we're capable of growth and evolution, who will hold us accountable, and who will push us to be our best selves.

Lastly, we must really appreciate the fact that change is a catalyst for growth. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, forcing us to adapt and evolve. It helps us develop resilience, perseverance, and creativity. It helps us discover new strengths and talents and develop a sense of purpose and meaning.

So, the next time change comes knocking, remember to embrace it. Don't let fear hold you back from what could be an amazing opportunity. Take a deep breath, trust the unknown, and step forward with faith and optimism.

As my favorite Yogi Tea wrapper says, “Embrace the unknown, where all outcomes are possible. Enter it with grace”.

Hugs and courage, you’re never alone.

And this week’s TGIFs…

TOOL - Two things I love - farming and British accents. As a tool to decompress at night, my husband and I love to watch Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon Prime. The new season just released. There are so many lessons about resilience in the episodes!

GRATITUDE— I mentioned I’ve been working out differently the last few months and with that, my neck rebelled last week. Instead of dropping it all, I recommitted, listened to my body, and visited my friend Dr. RJ at Reach Rehab. Chin tucks and lumbar support, and I’m feeling so much better. I am grateful for good help so I can continue with my strength training. Obstacle, overcome.

INNOVATION— Speaking of change, Reset is getting a new website! It’ll look pretty similar but you may begin noticing some tweaks here and there as our team works in the background. Exciting times.

FEELS - We sold out our Power to the Peri small group experience! I’m feeling so honored to host this special women’s circle next week. If you are interested in future small group experiences, please sign up for the waitlist, because we plan on doing special topics each quarter.

Click here for more information on anxiety therapy.


TGIF | Remembering the Unseen: How Trauma Affects Us All


TGIF | Surrendering to Stillness: Navigating Anxiety Through Trust and Inner Healing