Dealing with Stressful Times
If you’ve recently reached out to someone for support and received a response along the veins of the second post above, first acknowledge the fact that you were brave to reach out, go you! You took a risk and it just didn’t pay off this time. That is okay.
How to Build Emotional Intelligence
In today’s society it can be a challenge to slow down. With this challenge comes disconnection from our feelings. Sometimes days, weeks, even months go by without us asking ourselves, “what am I feeling?”, “why am I reacting this way?” or “what’s going on here?”.
How to Stay Calm when Busy
Whenever a new school year starts, or a new job starts, or a major event occurs in my life, I get wrapped up in performing the juggling act and I sideline things “that can wait.” Like... my meditation practice.
How Pollution Impacts our Mental Health
It’s been known for quite some time that polluted air leads to heart and lung problems, and now we are becoming aware that air pollution also has a negative effect on our brains.
Mental Health Disorders and Yoga
This study aims to determine if yoga is beneficial as a treatment for individuals with mental health disorders. This research explores different studies that have been done involving yoga with anxiety, depression, PTSD and schizophrenia.
How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
Remember the last time you couldn’t get away from a storm of negative thoughts? The time when your brain was stuck in the same dark place, refusing to budge and move on to a different topic?
How to Build Self-Confidence
“What do I want?”
This was the question that I landed on after a long-winded (and not fully formed) internal dialogue I had with myself about how life is unfair, how living intentionally is one way of trying to even that out, and how to live intentionally you need awareness about yourself, your situation, your needs, your wants.
How to Raise an Emotionally Healthy Child
Just like adults, kids are drawn to mindfulness. Once they experience it, they know it feels good in their brains and bodies without reading the scientific evidence behind these practices.
How do you define love?
If I were to ask you - what does it mean to have hope, to belong, to have faith - what would you say? Some of us might have answers, and others might struggle to put these definitions into words.
How to Build Your Community
Tips for Creating a Supportive Community of Peers
In the age of social media, it can be easy to forget how restorative, inspiring, and encouraging it can be to meet with people face to face.
Our Favorite Non Self-Help Books for Wellness
Summer is in full swing and summer reading lists are popping up everywhere! Including on this blog😉. But I didn’t want to create another oversaturated list of self-help books because (1) those lists are widely available and (2) I believe that the phrase “too much of a good thing” applies when it comes to reading too many self-help books.
What is Imposter Syndrome and Is it Affecting Me?
With each step towards the cave entrance, I thought about how that one time my vertigo was triggered by darkness, how being in a small space can on rare occasions make me feel somewhat claustrophobic.
How to Get What You Want
Even though discovering areas where you are not in alignment is part of gaining more self-awareness, it still takes me by surprise when I learn a new place of misalignment in my life.
Am I Allowed to Be Happy? Even When My Spouse is Depressed?
One thing we see over and over again with our clients is the guilt one spouse has when they are trying to be happy and their spouse is depressed.
How to Find Inner Peace
So what is Resource Tapping?
This technique is about building an inner resource team that you can lean on when life gets tough, shaky, overwhelming, draining, you name it.
Should I See a Therapist?
This means that mental health is no longer considered a specialty treatment designed only for people with medical diagnoses.
What Does Mental Health Mean?
When I first started working in the field of mental health care, I hated the term “mental health”. It felt so clinical and cold. Just the word “mental” brought up images of sterile rooms, straight jackets and institutions.
The Different Types of Meditation (How to Grow A Meditation Practice, Part 2)
Last week we talked about the first two elements of building a meditation practice: meeting yourself where you are at and building a structure that works for you.
How to Grow a Meditation Practice
Starting a meditation practice doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. The key is to meet yourself where you are at.
How Meditation Helps And What Meditation Cannot Do
You are probably wondering what meditation has to do with the magic diet pill. I’ll explain. You see, when I first started practicing meditation, I sort of had the idea that it would be a magical elixir to my anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger.