
Am I Allowed to Be Happy? Even When My Spouse is Depressed?
One thing we see over and over again with our clients is the guilt one spouse has when they are trying to be happy and their spouse is depressed.

How to Find Inner Peace
So what is Resource Tapping?
This technique is about building an inner resource team that you can lean on when life gets tough, shaky, overwhelming, draining, you name it.

Should I See a Therapist?
This means that mental health is no longer considered a specialty treatment designed only for people with medical diagnoses.

What Does Mental Health Mean?
When I first started working in the field of mental health care, I hated the term “mental health”. It felt so clinical and cold. Just the word “mental” brought up images of sterile rooms, straight jackets and institutions.

The Different Types of Meditation (How to Grow A Meditation Practice, Part 2)
Last week we talked about the first two elements of building a meditation practice: meeting yourself where you are at and building a structure that works for you.

How to Grow a Meditation Practice
Starting a meditation practice doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. The key is to meet yourself where you are at.

How Meditation Helps And What Meditation Cannot Do
You are probably wondering what meditation has to do with the magic diet pill. I’ll explain. You see, when I first started practicing meditation, I sort of had the idea that it would be a magical elixir to my anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger.

How to Know if Therapy is Working
Last week we drew lines in the sand to help you evaluate whether or not your therapist is a good fit for you. But the question still stands.

How to Find the Right Therapist
Let me be blunt. I haven’t always believed in therapy. Or therapists, for that matter. Coming from a cultural background that distrusts this profession, it was something that I felt weary about. Something that I tried to avoid.

My Journey to Meditation and Wellbeing
A few years ago, I was creamed by life. Stuck in a toxic romantic relationship, working in a career that it wasn’t for me, living in a city far away from my family and friends, having daily anxiety attacks that left me curled up in bed for hours, I felt paralyzed. Cornered. Trapped.

How Mindfulness Helps Kids Thrive
We like to think of the teenage years as idyllic. But if you’re the parent of a teen or tween, you know that crossing that bridge from childhood to adulthood involves a multitude of changes—physical, emotional and social—that can create a perfect storm.

A Therapist's Best Morning Routine
It’s not a new concept that establishing a consistent morning routine can set you up for a productive and fulfilled day. We think of the most successful business people and their power mornings of espressos, workouts, emails, to-do lists, and podcasts.

How to Start and Keep a Meditation Practice
Meditation is one of those things that sounds good to talk about. You want to be the person who does it. You KNOW you should.

How to Be Happy this Winter
Daylight savings occurred last Sunday and the dreaded darkness is upon us for the next couple months. The cold, wet, and dark days can make the happiest person feel dreary.

How the Performing Arts Benefit Mental Health
In today’s high pressure society, our kids are over worked, over stressed and held to overwhelming standards. Social media and 24 hour news have added pressures that prior generations did not have to manage.

How to Manage Perfectionism
Today’s society has put far too much focus on materialism, appearance, the Kardashians (hint: they are not perfect), etc. Social media keeps “what everyone else is doing” right in front of our faces.

10 yoga poses to manage daily stress
We all know that as we get busier, feeling whole-body calm is more difficult. As adrenalin builds and cortisol increases, our bodies are preparing for a major offensive.

What does it feel like to struggle with your mental health?
Everyone has a mental health story but we so rarely share it boldly. Through sharing our truth, our inner stories, and real talk struggles, we can breed more connection and development amongst our peers.

How to Know You're Not Okay
It’s not ironic to me that on World Mental Health day, my own mental health is suffering.
All week I have had the raw feeling of being on the cusp of a major crying spell.

Why We Don't Seek Mental Health Care
Why is it that we don’t get help for mental health?⠀ .⠀
If you had cancer, you’d fight and explore every option. If you broke your arm, you’d get it fixed immediately.